How to write content for your website

How to write content for your website

Running a successful business is a dream for every entrepreneur. You’ve worked hard day and night to build your company and to find the right niche. Good news is on the way!! Your hard work will definitely pay you off. Be flexible, organize your web content and grow your company.  Like many companies, you might be falling behind the dark shade i.e “Your Company Website”. Be creative while writing content for your website. Make sure to grab the attention of every visitors. Turn your visitors to potential customers.

Grow!! Grow!! Grow!!

Your website is your digital reflection. This can be the first place for your audience. “The first impression is always the best impression”. Get inspired with this quote and impress your audience in every aspect right from website content to offering quality products.

Your business website represents your brand trust and authority!! If your content is sloppy or confusing, then your brand may look sloppy and confusing to visitors. Though you offer great products and services at affordable prices, at the end of the day you’ll lose sales.

Small and big business follow one principle to get succeed i.e ‘Maintaining consistency’. Yes, this will work perfectly. How often do you publish content for your company website? Month, week or day; you’ve to maintain consistency. Don’t forget to take a plagiarism test before publishing the content on your website. There are many plagiarism tools available online, these tools help to detect duplicate content and fix Grammarly.

As a beginner or intermediate content writer, it’s a daunting task on how to write content? What are the key points to include? How to conclude? And more. Website content can appeal to your visitors and search engines.

Follow the below tips while composing content for your website:

Focus on values

Good and quality content completely sets your business website apart. Convey the precise message into your customer’s heart and brain.

Hold on!! Before drafting your content, think about these questions – Who are your primary audience? What is the purpose of your content? Why does the audience need to interact with your website content?

Many people visit a website to know

    • About your company
    • Product and services
    • Rewards, refer and earn programmes
  • Connect with your customer care executive

A new user looking to know more about your products or services. Some people look for a particular product and 10 out of 7 people do research before buying a product. No matter what might be the situation, your website content plays a key role in values.

Be original

Keep it simple, original content is a personalised content composed by you!!

Creating content by yourself doesn’t mean that you should come up with creative ideas or conduct original research. While creating original content, you can share your personal experience with a specific product or service. Also, consider an existing topic and present it from a fresh angle. Comparing relevant information from other popular resources.

Reasons for producing original content

    • A search engine can detect copied content
    • Create personalized content for social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc)
    • Rank higher on Google
    • Get your business perspective into actions
  • Create original content for a website and mobile devices

You can repurpose ‘original content’ into even more ‘original content’. Doesn’t sound interesting!!!

Producing original content is linked to ‘brand strategy’. Since the content is written in a specific voice and tone. It remains consistent across multiple platforms such as website, social media and more. Your audiences are too smart, they can detect easily what is original content and what’s not.  

Don’t forget to include ‘Call-to-Action’

Hope you’ve got a clear picture on how to write content for your website. Now focus on website landing pages!! How many landing pages do you have? How do you write content for landing pages? How many CTAs have you included? Always make a note that landing pages are specially created to trigger a visitor-action. Make great use of ‘call-to-action’ at the bottom of every web page.

Use clear action words on landing pages!!

Following are a few different types of Call-to-Action buttons:

    • Signup
    • Subscribe
    • Join us
    • Get started
    • Learn more
    • Shop now
    • Click here
  • Download now

Include proof: Explain to your users – Why they should believe you? Find ways to gain trust by including testimonials, stats, warranty, data, and support.

Imply urgency: Create excitement!! Motivate your users to hit an action button by providing them with multiple reasons for why they cannot wait anymore.

Give deadlines and limited offers for your users. You can extend limited period offers to boost conversions.

Overcome complaints: You’ve placed an order on an e-commerce website. How do you feel when you receive a product which is not working? You get frustrated right!!

Address such type of concerns and provide various options such as

    • Free trials
    • Money-back guarantees
  • Easy exchange and returns

Provide relevant links and transparant prices

Do you include links in the content? You’re doing a great job. The more information you provide to your user, the better. Because user desire to learn more details about you. Be it your success story, new product launch or others.

Keep a note, use ‘plain text’ that correctly describes ‘where the link generates to’. Never use “Click Here”. This cannot be considered as descriptive.

    • Never say: Click here to know about the company
  • Rather say: Learn more about the company, read “About Us”

If you’re working on the pricing page, include transparent prices of your product or services. Win your user’s trust by providing exact prices. Your customers feel grateful when you include additional information like price, features, specifications, etc.

Be accurate and add multimedia

How often do you listen to a new music album in a day? 3 to 5 times. Everyone loves to stay up-to-date with the latest music and current trends. The same way always provides accurate content on your website. Many people fail to modify the price of the product. The pricing information must be maintained up-to-date. Never ever feature outdated products or services on your website.

Are you struggling hard to gain traffic for your website? Wandering how to get maximum conversions?

Providing content for your website is now just about ‘plain text’. Great content is nothing but a perfect combination of unique content, images and other visual elements such as videos, slideshows, audio etc.  “A picture is worth thousand words”!! Unique content and high-quality visual enhancement can perfectly work together.

In this digital world, capturing the reader’s attention can be challenging. As per a recent study over 58%, visitors spend 16 seconds on a blog or webpage. Use these tips while composing content for your website.


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