ACT FAST: These Apps are Free, but Not for Long!

ACT FAST: These Apps are Free, but Not for Long!


We here at love our apps. We love our apps probably a little more than the usual smartphone user. However, we understand that sometimes even that small amount of money the developers are asking for their work can be hard to spare. So, our ever watchful eye is here to help you find the best apps, some that cost a little and some that cost a lot, for free for limited times. We’ve compiled a small list of apps that, if you act now and quickly, you’ll find for free on the App Store! Don’t wait! Go!

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True Skate – Normally $1.99, True Skate is currently free on the App Store for a limited time. While not filled to the brim with content, so don’t think this is going to be a Tony Hawk Pro Skater clone, True Skate is one game that comes amazingly close to recreating what it is to ride a skateboard, accompanied by some amazingly good graphics.

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Background Eraser Pro – Coming in normally at $.99, this app is currently free and infinitely useful and fun. With simply a few taps of your fingers, BEP allows you to remove the background of any of your pictures and keep the transparency, something that is still yet difficult to do on larger programs like Photoshop to those who aren’t trained properly.

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Poetics – From $1.99 to Free, Poetics is, simply put, an app for visual poetry. Using photographic imagery and moveable text, Poetics allows you to recreate your favorite quotes, poems, or sayings in visually pleasing ways.


Star Trek Trexels – Currently free, though $2.99 any other time, Star Trek Trexels is a fun little Star Trek game done in a pixel-art style. From assembling your ship and crew to defending it in space combat and controlling your crew in away missions, Trexels has the potential to be quite a bit of fun to the Trekkie in your life.


PodCruncher – $2.99 for a one-stop app for your podcasts is more than fair, at least to the true podcast lovers out there. Free opens this app up to those who may be interested in the broadcast form, but unsure as of where to start. Simple to use and incredibly stable, PodCruncher simply works and works well.


One Spear Arena – Born in the spirit of classic beat-em-ups games, this normally $2.99 app is currently free in the App Store. You and an opponent square off in a top down deathmatch in randomly generated maps. You have one spear to throw. Miss and you must go and collect it. The game is classically simple and more fun than you would expect out something like it.

Keep in mind that each of these apps are free, but only for a short time. If you wish to get them, you should move quick to get your copy before it goes back to a pay version. Check back with to keep up to date on anything new out there for your device!


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