7 ways to fix common problems your wifi network

7 ways to fix common problems your wifi network

Wireless networks have given us the luxury of accessing the internet without any cord. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t maintain them. Instead, the fact that wireless networks use radio waves make them even more susceptible to failure (Interference, hardware problems etc.). To make sure you have a strong wireless network, here are some of the tips you can implement. Luke from www.caelum-comms.co.uk said: ‘Trouble with your internet speed and connectivity is more common than we would like, communications companies can install fast and reliable networks, providing repairs and troubleshooting as part of their service.’

1. Make Sure Your Firmware Is Up-to-Date

A firmware is an embedded software pre-installed on a router. This software takes care of the networking and security protocols. Many router manufacturers release the latest firmware of their routers which handles technical issues, throughput performance and add new features. In case you have an outdated firmware, you can update it via your router’s control panel.

One thing you should note that never ever download your firmware from a 3rd-party site. Having said that, there are many open-source firmwares such as DD-WRT that can boost the performance of your router.

2. Change the Wi-Fi Channel on the Router

Most routers use 2.4GHz band which has 14 different channels. Out of these 11 channels, only 3 can run at the same time and do not overlap with others. These channels are 1, 6 and 11. This is the reason why many routers are set to be broadcasted on channel 6 by default. If there are many routers working in your area, then you can have interference problems. To add to this, there are many cordless phones that also use that 2.4GHz band.

You can avoid some of the interference by choosing either channel 1 or channel 11. There are also some free programs that can tell you which channels your nearby routers are using. From there, you can opt for the least-used channel.

To change your wireless channel, simply log into your router’s web interface. After logging in, go to wireless settings and change your channel. After changing and applying settings, your router may reboot. That’s it.


3. Change your router’s position

If you’re having a problem regarding signal strength of the wireless router, it might be the case that you’re on the fringe of your router’s range and probably your router is not positioned well. To reach its maximum range, a router needs to be put in the middle of the house and at some considerable height. You also need to make sure that the antennas of your router are well-positioned. If you have minimum possible objects in a place where you’re going to put the router, then it would be a plus.

4. Make sure your PC is malware-free

There are many viruses, spyware, and malware that can be installed in your PC without your notice, while you’re surfing the internet. These malicious softwares can bloat your PC and slow down your network.You can solve this problem by using a good antivirus.

5. Reboot Your PC and WiFi Router

There can be an error in your PC or router’s firmware that would prevent them to be connected. You can reboot or PC and router to make sure they’re working correctly.

6. Change your router

If you have tried all of the above problems and your network is still sluggish, then you may have an old router that needs to be updated. But before buying any new router make sure that it’s compatible to your network setup or not.


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